1strule.wav (34k) .mp3
Kirk: First
rule of assassination.....kill the assassin.
2ndstar.wav (337k) .mp3
Chekov: Course
heading, Captain?
Kirk: Second star to
the right......and straight on till morning.
50years.wav (70k) .mp3
Chief in Command: To
break this information down succinctly, the Klingon empire has roughly
50 years of life left to it.
aboat.wav (66k) .mp3
Kirk: What
are we doing here?
Bones: Maybe they're
throwing us a retirement party.
Scotty: That suits
me! I just bought a boat.
actnow.wav (118k) .mp3
Kirk: The
Klingons have never been trustworthy. I'm forced to agree with
Admiral Cartwright. This is a.....TERRIFYING idea...
Spock: It is imperative
that we act now to support the Gorkon initiative.
afford.wav (110k) .mp3
Spock: The
dismantling of our space stations and starbases along the neutral
zone. An end to almost 70 years of unremitting hostility, which the
Klingons can no longer afford.
ale.wav (84k) .mp3
Klingon at table: Captain
Kirk, I thought Romulan Ale was illegal.
Kirk: One of the
advantages of being a thousand light years from Federation
allhear.wav (84k) .mp3
Announcer: Now
hear this! All officers to the bridge! Klingon Battle Cruiser
off the port bow. All officers to the bridge!
arrest.wav (159k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: Under
article #184 of your "Interstellar Law," I'm placing you
under arrest. You are charged with assassinating the Chancellor
of the High Council.
bigship.wav (51k) .mp3
Bones: My
God, that's a big ship.
Scotty: Not so big as
her captain, I think.
breathing.wav (184k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: To
be, or not to be...That is the question which preoccupies our people,
Captain Kirk. We need breathing room!
Kirk: Earth.
Hitler. 1938.
Gen. Chang: I beg
your pardon?
Chancellor Gorkon: Well......I
see we have a long way to go.
chimes.wav (52k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: (chimes
go off in the background) Have we not heard the chimes at
choice.wav (52k) .mp3
What is this? Multiple choice??
defiled.wav (141k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: Have
you not a shred of decency in you, Kirk? We come in peace, and
you BLATANTLY DEFILE THAT PEACE! And for that, I shall blow you
out of the stars!
deliver.wav (136k) .mp3
Shuttle Pilot: Control,
this is SD-103 approach to space dock, over.
Starbase Control: SD-103,
you are clear to deliver Captain Kirk and party to NCC-1701 Alpha,
dictate.wav (90k) .mp3
Adm. Cartwright: The
opportunity here, is to bring them to their knees. THEN, we'll
be in a far better position to dictate terms.
didntfire.wav (71k) .mp3
Kirk: We
haven't fired!
Spock: Captain....According
to our databanks, we have......Twice.
dogswar.wav (56k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: CRY
feign.wav (149k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: You
DARE to feign ignorance!
Kirk: What happened?
Gen. Chang: With a
direct torpedo hit, you crippled our entire gravitational field!
And two of your Starfleet crew beamed aboard wearing magnetic boots,
and did this.
finallog.wav (469k) .mp3
Captain Kirk: Captain's
Log, Star Date 9525.1 This is the final cruise of the Starship
Enterprise under my command. This ship, and her history, will
shortly become the care of another crew. To them, and their
posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the
voyages we have begun, and journey to all the undiscovered countries,
boldly going where no man....where no one has gone before.
finished.wav (88k) .mp3
Bones: (Sighs)
Three months before retirement....What a way to go.
Kirk: We're not
Bones: Auhh? Speak
for yourself.
fireoff.wav (27k) .mp3
Uhura: DID
forgive.wav (146k) .mp3
Captain Kirk: Captain's
Log, Star Date 9522.6 I've never trusted Klingons....and I never
will. I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.
gotohell.wav (302k) .mp3
Uhura: Captain,
I have orders from Starfleet Command. We are to put back to
space dock immediately...to be decommissioned.
Spock: If I were
human, I believe my response would be....Go to hell......If I were
guesswho.wav (27k) .mp3
Chekov: Guess
who's coming to dinner.
idoubt.wav (47k) .mp3
Spock: I
doubt that our own behavior will distinguish us in the annals of
kissdyou.wav (40k) .mp3
Kirk: I
can't believe I kissed you!
Martia (in the form of Kirk): Must
have been your lifelong ambition!
klngskpr.wav (118k) .mp3
Chancellor Gorkon: You
have not experienced Shakespeare until you have heard it in the
original Klingon.
Gen. Chang: Haha!
(Says "To Be, or Not to be" in Klingon) (I'm not
gonna even ATTEMPT to spell it out in Klingon..hehe)
knees.wav (90k) .mp3
Kirk: I
was lucky that thing had knees!
Martia: That was not
his knee.....Not everybody keeps their genitals in the same place,
letthemdie.wav (113k) .mp3
Kirk: They're
Spock: Jim, there is
a historic opportunity here.
Spock: They are
literally.wav (85k) .mp3
Chief in Command: Those
men have literally saved this planet.
Federation President: Yes,
Bill, I know that. And now they're going to save it again...by
standing trial.
meaning.wav (25k) .mp3
Azetbur: What's
happened?! What's the meaning of all of this?!
mylast.wav (273k) .mp3
Spock: This
will be my final voyage aboard the Enterprise as a member of her
crew. Nature abhors a vacuum. I intend you to replace me.
Lt. Valeris: I can
only succeed you, sir.
needno.wav (254k) .mp3
Spokesperson: This is (undecipherable), speaking for
the Klingon High Command. There has been an incident on Praxis,
however, everything is under control. We have NO need for
assistance. Obey treaty stipulations, and remain outside the neutral
zone. This transmission ends now.
nixon.wav (46k) .mp3
Spock: There
is an old Vulcan proverb...."Only Nixon can go to China."
notears.wav (213k) .mp3
Scotty: I
bet that Klingon bitch killed her father!
Spock: Her own
Lt. Valeris: It is an
old story, sir.
Scotty: Yeh, they
don't place the same value on life as WE do, Spock. You KNOW
that. Take my word, she did not shed one bloody tear!
Spock: Hardly
conclusive, Mr. Scott, since Klingons have no tear ducts.
protest.wav (63k) .mp3
Adm. Cartwright: I
MUST PROTEST! To offer Klingons safe haven within Federation
space is suicide!
remindyou.wav (228k) .mp3
Kirk: Thank
you, Lieutenant. One quarter impulse power.
Lt. Valeris: Captain,
may I remind you that regulations specify thrusters only while in
space dock?
Spock: (Clears his
throat in disapproval at her remark.)
Bones: Jim?
Kirk: You heard the
order, Lieutenant.
Lt. Valeris: Aye,
request.wav (49k) .mp3
(An excellent error sound)
Spock: Please
notify Starfleet Headquarters. Tell them precisely what has
taken place and request instructions.
revenge.wav (100k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: Tickle
us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong
us.....shall we not revenge?
savedciv.wav (74k) .mp3
Kirk: Once
again, we have saved civilization as we know it.
Bones: And the good
news is, they're not going to prosecute.
screwup.wav (26k) .mp3
Kirk: Please
let me know if there is some other way we can screw up tonight.
shields.wav (78k) .mp3
Capt. Sulu: SHIELDS!
shutup.wav (54k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: I
Bones: I'd give real
money if he'd shutup!
spcwarr.wav (33k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: In
space, all warriors are cold warriors.
standown.wav (101k) .mp3
Kirk: Did
it occur to you that this crew is due to stand down in 3 months?
We've done our bid for king and country. You should have trusted
status.wav (141k) .mp3
Gen. Chang: Dr.
McCoy....Would you be so good as to tell me, what is your current
medical status?
Bones: Aside from a
touch of arthritis, I'd say pretty good!
sululog.wav (199k) .mp3
Capt. Sulu: Stardate,
9521.6, Captain's Log, U.S.S. Excelsior...Hikaru Sulu commanding.
After three years, I have concluded my first assignment as master of
this vessel. Cataloging gasses, planetary anomalies in Beta
surrender.wav (47k) .mp3
Kirk: Signal
our surrender.
Uhura: Captain?!
takecare.wav (136k) .mp3
Capt. Sulu: Captain
Kirk: Captain Sulu!
As much to the crew of the Enterprise, I owe you my
Capt. Sulu: Nice
to see you in action one more time, Captain Kirk. Take care.
takeweeks.wav (244k) .mp3
Spock: Mr.
Scott, I understand you're having difficulty with the warp drive. How
much time do you require for repair?
Scotty: There's
nothing wrong with the bloody thing....
Spock: Mr. Scott, if
we return to space dock, the assassins will surely find a way to
dispose of their incriminating footwear, and we will never see the
Captain or Doctor McCoy alive again.
Scotty: Could take
weeks, sir.
Spock: Thank you, Mr.
theymeet.wav (196k) .mp3
Chancellor Gorkon: And
this is General Chang, my Chief of Staff.
Gen. Chang: I have so wanted to meet
you, Captain.
Kirk: I'm not sure
how to take that.
Klingon: Sincere
admiration, Kirk.
Gen. Chang: From one
warrior to another.
Kirk: Right.
topclass.wav (103k) .mp3
Spock: The
Lieutenant was the first Vulcan to graduate at the top of her class at
the Academy.
Kirk: You must be very proud.
Lt. Valeris: I don't
believe so, sir.
Bones: She's a
Vulcan, alright.
vouched.wav (118k) .mp3
Chief in Command: But
they'll think twice about attacking the Enterprise under your command.
Spock: I have personally vouched for you
in this matter, Captain.
Kirk: You?....Have
wisdom.wav (83k) .mp3
Spock: Logic...is
the beginning of wisdom, Valeris...Not the end.
withyou.wav (54k) .mp3
Bones: What
IS it with you, anyway?
Kirk: Still think we're finished?
Bones: More than
youwill.wav (172k) .mp3
Chief in Command: You
will extend Chancellor Gorkon full diplomatic courtesy, Captain Kirk.
Kirk: But a full ambassador would be
better equipped...
Chief in Command: If
there is no further business, I wish you and your crew Godspeed.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I remind you this meeting is